

Project sets up equal deployment of basic skills, ability of reading as well as at development of key competencies in general, learning to learn, social and civic competences, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression. Making cooperation will integrate European young people with partner school, for comprehension of multicultural diversity and awareness of European multilingualism. Suggested teaching methods have purpose to correct quality of instruction, but also to evaluate quality of school work.

Main purposes of projects:

- motivate to read books, they float from informative reading to the promotion of the benefits of the reading;

- increasing of the interest for partners’ country literature, they promote cooperation;

- making contact partner, mobilizing for activity and creativeness;

- elaboration of the script and common exposure of spectacle about favourite books;

-expressing creativity on the stage (costumes, scenery, music, visual art);

- motivation for science of foreign language;

- taking advantage of modern technology, analysis and interpretation of digital texts, development of digital literacy and research skills;

– communication; with history fact finding and possessions of cultural region of partner school;

-stimulating young people’s sense of initiative and develop their entrepreneurial skills;

- exchange of pedagogical experiences, qualitative evaluation of work at school.